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Welcome to H4Y version 3.0!

  • Wednesday, 10th December, 2014
  • 20:52pm
We know, we know.. the old website was showing its age.   This is why we wanted to release H4Y version 3.0 before the New Year!   Coming up on year #15 of serving your every hosting need, H4Y has outdone itself once again!   Enjoy our new billing system and ticket system but be sure to check out our new options, packages, and features too!   You will notice our familiar packages have received upgrades, new ones added, and automation is abound!   Please contact us with any questions.   Existing clients will have access to the old systems as we migrate everything over (please note, there is no downtime or disruption to be associated with these upgrades) but you can enjoy the new ordering system and ticket system today!  Just login with your email address and main password and feel free to take a self-guided tour.  

If you are celebrating, H4Y wishes you Joyous Holidays and a very wonderful and successful New Year!!   Let us know how we can thank you for supporting us for almost 15 years!!!!!
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